Boredom or Lunacy – It Has To Be One

Originally Posted 9/4/07
I’ve spent of late, more time on the HexBox playing such games as Midtown Madness 3 or Co-Op Chaos Theory with the Grandson (Dylan) than I have done in the last twelve months. On top of that I’ve also been on a spending spree 😉 that is, I bought Rugby Challenge 2006, what a giggle that game is. I’ve also bought an external 2.5″ drive case and a 20 Gig drive for the laptop, a 2Gig iPod type thingy and something else that escapes me 😛 Anyhoo, Rugby Challenge is a hoot – (wait I’ve just remembered, I also bought XP Home for the lappy so it’s legit) where was I oh yeh Rugger Challenge. It’s not often I’ll sit and play a sport based game, usually it’s more a Chaos Theory or Rainbow Six but I like this game, in fact I might go play it some more 🙂