Just spent an age trying to download the Win 10 ISO so I can finish sorting the Dell Precision T3500 with the upgraded CPU and 48GB of ram – so much for the max ram of 24 😉 but I digress. Spent an age fuckin’ about with the media creator that M$ want you to use seeing as they’re discontinuing Win10 but finally got it sorted and it’s installing – yip fuckin’ ee as for Win11 fuck that junk, I’m not spending a fortune on a new machine just to keep M$ happy!!
I happen to like the Dell T3500, pretty much bullet proof providing you don’t knacker the CPU pins like I did so I ended up having to buy a replacement board grrrrr. That gives me two machines fully functional, that one and the one I’m on now, which is a HP Z820 with Dual CPU’s Intel Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.40GHz and 96GB of ram, 2 x 2TB SSD’s, 2 x 2TB spinners and a 2TB NVME drive, along with a GTX 1060 6GB running a huge Samsung curved monitor.
The bloody HP is great for games, well so’s the Dell but hey ho I’ll use the biggest 😉 hanging off them is an Asustor NAS with 16TB of space.
The pics below are not the actual machines, but I’m too lazy to fuck about with an iPhone and transfer pictures 😛