I Still Hate Audacity

Working with a DAW can be enjoyable or a bloody nightmare, I’d still rather use hardware e.g. Moogs or Modular Synths, but nowt can be done without a feckin’ DAW.
I’m in the middle of finishing off ‘Postcards From The Afterlife’ and (bleh) had to use a DAW so I thought I’d see if Audacity had improved since I last looked at it years ago and in short ‘It’s Still Crap.’ Yes it’s free but it’s also plain ol’ rubbish, so back to Ableton (shudder) – others should be doing this for me, s’not my job, I just make the music GRRRR a total waste of hours!!

Reason vs MixCraft vs Reaper

Originally Posted 2015

Upper management decided that due to the fact I’m a dinosaur I have to look at a DAW as I tend to do a fair bit of composing/engineering here at home on the analogue synth’s then send the stuff off to the studio for final processing. That said, it was suggested I look at a DAW, that way I can (or should I say “THEY CAN”) find it easier to manipulate so the end product is easier to sort.
If you know me you’ll already know my opinion on suits so I won’t bother going in to that again, I’ll just be doing a comparison between the three DAW’s that are in the title. Now personally, I hate them (DAW’s that is). No let me rephrase that I tolerate them, as I find it easier to find the sound I want by turning a knob or pushing a slider than waving a computer mouse around. But to get them to shut the (insert expletive) up I’ll be comparing three. Propellerheads Reason 7.1, Acoustica’s MixCraft Pro 7 and Cocko’s Reaper Version something that escapes me and publishing my thoughts here just to prove to those who pay me I have actually looked at them 😉 it’s not going to be a real super in-depth review, just my personal view so take it or leave it.
So me being me – captain negative bastard, I\’m going to start with the con’s as I found them, the computer I’m using them on is a Windows 7 64bit system with a dual core cpu and eight gig of ram. Apart from that I’m computer knowledgeable but far from a geek – so on to it.
Reason: No support for VST’s which is madness in this day and age as Arturia do some brilliant stuff and I actually enjoy tinkering with Korg’s Legacy, but neither will work in Reason so that to me is a big no major failing.
MixCraft: Regularly crashes due to the fact that a lot of VST’s are 32bit and from my understanding they themselves acknowledge the issue. Sadly a lot of the better VST’s are 32bit and they aren’t being ported to 64bit so if this issue will ever be sorted who knows. I’ve actually had it lock up my machine to the point where CTRL/ALT/DEL don’t even work so a forced restart is needed.
Reaper: I found I had to troll through too many drop downs to get to what I wanted, whether that was a VST a filter or an FX.
Now as for the good bits, I’ll start with midi. All three found what I have plugged in at the moment, the Moog Little Phatty, Roland RS and Korg MS2000 which run through an E-MU 2X2 well the Moog has a USB also so – they also found the Arturia Beatstep and Keylab 61 but that would be expected considering the latter two bits of hardware are essentially made for DAW’s.
As for audio in, I run everything that isn’t midi capable e.g. the modular, guitars, voices etc through a Behringer mixer, I also run the three listed synths through it too as I find there are sounds there that just aren’t available and I just couldn’t be bothered hunting for a similar sound in the DAW’s (yes there’s the dinosaur again).
Reason finds audio in (I use ASIO) without a single hiccup, both Reaper and Mixcraft took a bit of dickin’ about. I actually gave up with Reaper, it used to work but for some reason it now refuses to. Mixcraft however was happy enough to find the audio but the volume was so low and the help files were too vague so I gave up on that too.
Exporting audio, now personally I like Mixcraft for that as you get a number of choices be it FLAC or WAV or MP3, why anyone would export a serious file as an MP3 escapes me but ehh it’s there.
Midi: All three seem to take midi files without argument, in Mixcraft you even have the choice of seeing it in the midi edit feature as a score (I compose some really complex stuff at times – scary) which is a real treat, BUT that’s as far as it gets, either I missed something or Mixcraft can’t handle automation, tempo etc. a good example would be Rossini’s ‘Dawn’ from the William Tell overture. The time sig is 3/4 and the tempo is from memory 54 or there abouts. Loading my comparison midi in to Mixcraft saw it tag the time sig as 4/4 and 120bpm ermm not quite right is that, Reason and Reaper handled it fine. As far as editing a midi file I must honestly say you can’t go passed Reason, both Mixcraft and Reaper were too frustrating – as they say less is more and Reason has that.
Addons: Reaper and Mixcraft make use of VST’s along with inbuilt stuff so essentially your bank of instruments is all but endless oh and Mixcraft also has Izotope Mastering Essentials which I happen to like. Reason on the other hand does come with a fair bit but to get the most out of it you have to obtain refills and and rack extensions which can become expensive.
End Bit: Which one is the better? None really (oops the dinosaur’s back) but I suppose I have to pick one. Reason has its stability, Mixcraft looks and feels better and the ability to utilise the squillions of VST’s out there, Reaper is cheap hmmmm a toughy. I think I’ll have to lean toward Reason only because of its stability, if Mixcraft was more stable or the 32bit/64bit issue wasn’t then I’d be leaning toward that instead. If I had to give them a rating out of 10, Reason would get an 8, Mixcraft a 7.90 and Reaper a 6.5.

Top 50 Iconic Songs

Originally Posted 2016

Some fella by the name of Dr Mick Grierson, from Goldsmiths, University of London used some form of mathematical/computational theory whatever to come up with the top 50 iconic songs and what a crock of shit his end list is. Looking through the list I could probably agree with two or three, the rest are just pure crap down to and including a sodding cover song – shit if you’re going to call a song iconic, at least credit it to the original artist.
Anyway, I (amongst probably 1,000’s of other bloggers) have decided to create my own top 50 iconic songs and if you don’t agree with me then tough shit, do I look like I give a fuck?

They’re not in any particular order, just as they come to mind.

White Christmas – Bing Crosby
32-20 Blues – Robert Johnson
Seasons of Change – Blackfeather
Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen
Smoke on The Water – Deep Purple
That’s Amore – Dean Martin
My Way – Frank Sinatra
In A Gadda Da Vida – Iron Butterfly
Paranoid – Black Sabbath
Toys in the Attic – Aerosmith
School’s Out – Alice Cooper
Death Walks Behind You – Atomic Rooster
Can’t get Enough – Bad Company
Most People I Know (Think That I’m Crazy) – Billy Thorpe & The Aztecs
21st Century Schizoid Man – King Crimson
In For The Kill – Budgie
You Are The Sunshine of my Life – Stevie Wonder
White Room – Cream
She Loves You – Beatles
Riders on the Storm – The Doors
For Your Love – The Yardbirds
Brown Sugar – Rolling Stones
Over the Rainbow – Judy Garland (although I prefer Billy Thorpe’s version)
Heart of the Sunrise – Yes
Pictures at an Exhibition – Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Billy The Mountain – Frank Zappa
Wishing Well – Free
Child In Time – Deep Purple
Iron Man – Black Sabbath
Be My Lover – Alice Cooper
Satisfaction – Rolling Stones
Babe – Styx
Back in to the Future – Man
Gypsy – Uriah Heep
Thick as a Brick – Jethro Tull
Race With The Devil – Gun
Mesmerisation Eclipse – Captain Beyond
Breadfan – Budgie
Us and Them – Pink Floyd
Julia – Pavlov’s Dog
Aqualung – Jethro Tull
All Right Now – Free
Atom Heart Mother – Pink Floyd
Sheer Heart Attack – Queen
Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd
Journey to the Centre of the Earth – Rick Wakeman
Cross Road Blues – Robert Johnson
Bloody Well Right – Supertramp
Fantastic Piece of Architecture – Bloodrock

Well that’s my 50, it could easily be 100 but hey Grierson started it!

Auctions, a Bargain? No

Originally Posted 2016

I regularly wander auction company listings looking for keyboards/synths but usually never see any so it’s back to eBay to troll the never ending shite and bullshit prices. Let’s look at say a Korg Kronos 88 – retail is around the $5,500 mark +/- a bit and what is eBay full of? Yep new Korg Kronos 88’s for that price. I’m confused, where is the bargain that an auction is supposed to bring, sure as hell not anywhere near advertisers of Korg Kronos’.
That’s the new stuff what about ‘vintage’ and I use the term loosely. Let’s look at ermm a Korg M1 there is one retailer/spammer on eBay who seems to think they’re worth a small fortune (or their ego is as inflated as their prices on all their stuff which is fucked up) as in $500 to $600+. My personal opinion on the M1 is one of “BLEH” if you want something like that get a T2EX, but I digress. Other sellers look on eBay to see how much they’re selling for, see this idiots pricing structure and follow suit – my response to that is “BAHAHAHA you cretins!” As far as I’m concerned a mint and I mean MINT M1 is worth no more than $350 as they aren’t a rare piece of kit, and if you don’t like my offer then piss off I’m not that fussed.
There was one there the other week that had a dead keybed, broken keys and a fading screen and they wanted $300 as a starter – give me a break sheesh.
It seems to me that if you put the words keyboard and synthesizer together people assume they’re on a winner – you know the type, find a cheezy Casio at a garage sale for ten bux, take it home, grab a few snaps and stick it on eBay for ten or twenty times the price when in reality the damn thing is a door stop, nothing more nothing less.

Ehh I’m bored now, rant over 😉

eBay Sux

Originally Posted 2014

Listed Scorpions Virgin Killer the one with the banned cover, dutifully blurred the offending bit out and left it. Just checked and it had been cancelled by eBay because it broke their rules???? Pardon me but IT WAS BLURRY YA FUCKWITS!!!

Anyhoo I just relisted it with a big white square over the offending bits – let’s see if they cancel that one as well.

Note: They did!

Asturcon BB-4

Originally Posted 2013

Decided to restore the Asturcon bass, but upon inspection I found that the damn thing has been painted a million times and it\’s going to take me a million times longer than I’d hoped/wanted but in saying that it’s going to look just the way it’s supposed to.

Couple of things I’ve noticed, firstly the two ebony strips that run down the centre had been filled and the whole thing had been re-sealed with enough fibreglass resin to keep a ship afloat which is a serious annoyance as although it\’s basswood, a wood that has tight grain it can be made to look great, it just takes a little care and patience, something the previous owner obviously didn’t have, hence the glass resin over factory paint over glass resin�- no doubt used to fill imperfections.

Secondly the neck pocket had a badly cut 2mm thick piece of pine glued in to it, this just popped out with some gentle persuasion, and apart from making the neck sit higher in the pocket I can’t see why it was there. It’s gone now so time will tell, that is if it sounds crap then maybe I’ll need to put it back but I still can’t work out the reasoning behind it as the neck now sits better and lines up better? Maybe idiots should leave guitars alone instead of trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear and accept them for what they are e.g. you get what you pay for.

Obviously, this guitar had seen better days, and probably numerous owners. It sounded fine but looked crap so fingers crossed it will again look and sound the way it should.

RIP Stevie Hill

Originally Posted 2013

Bloodrock, an oft forgotten band from Ft Worth Texas – forgotten by most but never by me, so much so I named my youngest daughter after the track ‘Jessica’ off Bloodrock 3. Just found some sad news though, Steve Hill, keyboardist extraordinaire has just passed away. A sad day for me indeed, I spent many an hr on the phone to TX talking music with him, yes I can say I knew him and proudly too

RIP Stevie, you Jon Lord and Vincent Crane can rock out the B3’s in Heaven.

All Fall Down and Dogs

Originally Posted 2013

I was happily doing something in one room (I think I was making coffee) when I hear a rather disturbing crash from another. What do I find when I reach the room? The Roland, the mixer, a computer monitor and assorted cables laying in a tangled heap on the floor 😐 The way I’ve got the two tier stand set up is RS-9 on the lower, then a solid mount with a computer monitor at eye level – it saves me from having to turn my head to see what’s goin\’ on.

Thankfully nothing was broken, and why the stand decided to collapse is beyond me coz everything is tighter than a ducks arse so it shouldna collapsed, another thing I can be thankful for is her who must be obeyed bought a border collie and he likes to wind himself through the cabling, he wasn’t anywhere near the room when it all came down. He’s a smart bloody dog and it wouldn’t surprise me to see he’s worked out how to use a shifter and loosened the mounts just to drive me nutso 😉