I wonder when Ozempic is going to be available again?? The missus is a type 2 diabetic so she uses it, EXCEPT for now! Feckin ego lovin’ lefties have pretty much nicked all the stock, these pricks who are desperate for the easy way to lose weight aren’t even s’posed to get it but apparently (or so an insta post claims) it’s easy for these cretins to get if from telehealth services by bullshitting to the quacks they talk to on the phone about their weight and height and claiming to be diabetics. From what I’ve seen, it won’t be available until December 31 so you may as well say 2025. So for her who must be obeyed, to control her sugar, she either has to take insulin daily, or a tablet form – also daily, this is fucked!!
I Still Hate Audacity
Working with a DAW can be enjoyable or a bloody nightmare, I’d still rather use hardware e.g. Moogs or Modular Synths, but nowt can be done without a feckin’ DAW.
I’m in the middle of finishing off ‘Postcards From The Afterlife’ and (bleh) had to use a DAW so I thought I’d see if Audacity had improved since I last looked at it years ago and in short ‘It’s Still Crap.’ Yes it’s free but it’s also plain ol’ rubbish, so back to Ableton (shudder) – others should be doing this for me, s’not my job, I just make the music GRRRR a total waste of hours!!
Screw Steam
Seeing as I’m a 65 year old kid, I’ve been playing Fallout 4 of late and yes it’s got bugs! Got the shits with it seeing as Dogmeat was ignoring me (he’s not s’posed to) so I decided to Google search how to fix it and nope there is no fix.
Apparently it’s a bug that’s never been fixed so tough titties ya outta fluffy duck – so I contacted Steam and was told nope no refund, not covered by Australian consumer law. Are they in for a rude fuckin’ shock – it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to therefore you are eligible for a refund.
I’m gunna be naughty ‘ere and prob get my arse kicked but it sorta makes ya wanna go on the hunt for a norty version of the game and ignore Steam permanently I sure as fuck won’t be buying anything from them again.
Break Dancing? The Olympics Have Lost It!
Caught a snippet of the so-called sport of break dancing and to be quite blunt, ‘who in their right fucking mind would include that shite in the Olympics, obviously a lefty toss pot with no real idea!’
The Olympics should go back to being an amateur thing, scrap the corporate sponsors and the multi millionaire sportsmen and women (fuck pronouns), and bring it back to the people.
Well that’s todays rant I’m off to do some work but I’ll leave you with a pic of a ‘Break Dancing’ – BAHAHAHAHA.
Auctions, a Bargain? No
Originally Posted 2016
I regularly wander auction company listings looking for keyboards/synths but usually never see any so it’s back to eBay to troll the never ending shite and bullshit prices. Let’s look at say a Korg Kronos 88 – retail is around the $5,500 mark +/- a bit and what is eBay full of? Yep new Korg Kronos 88’s for that price. I’m confused, where is the bargain that an auction is supposed to bring, sure as hell not anywhere near advertisers of Korg Kronos’.
That’s the new stuff what about ‘vintage’ and I use the term loosely. Let’s look at ermm a Korg M1 there is one retailer/spammer on eBay who seems to think they’re worth a small fortune (or their ego is as inflated as their prices on all their stuff which is fucked up) as in $500 to $600+. My personal opinion on the M1 is one of “BLEH” if you want something like that get a T2EX, but I digress. Other sellers look on eBay to see how much they’re selling for, see this idiots pricing structure and follow suit – my response to that is “BAHAHAHA you cretins!” As far as I’m concerned a mint and I mean MINT M1 is worth no more than $350 as they aren’t a rare piece of kit, and if you don’t like my offer then piss off I’m not that fussed.
There was one there the other week that had a dead keybed, broken keys and a fading screen and they wanted $300 as a starter – give me a break sheesh.
It seems to me that if you put the words keyboard and synthesizer together people assume they’re on a winner – you know the type, find a cheezy Casio at a garage sale for ten bux, take it home, grab a few snaps and stick it on eBay for ten or twenty times the price when in reality the damn thing is a door stop, nothing more nothing less.
Ehh I’m bored now, rant over 😉
Remain Voters Need to STFU
Originally Posted 2016
The remain camp of the #Brexit, #VoteLeave, #EuRef are now crying in their latte’s over the fact the referendum went to the leave camp. It seems to me that they will continually cry until they bring the UK to its knees. I sort of compare it to a football match. The remain camp constantly lose but demand a replay every time and will do until they finally win.
Sorry people, democracy doesn’t work like that
eBay Sux
Originally Posted 2014
Listed Scorpions Virgin Killer the one with the banned cover, dutifully blurred the offending bit out and left it. Just checked and it had been cancelled by eBay because it broke their rules???? Pardon me but IT WAS BLURRY YA FUCKWITS!!!
Anyhoo I just relisted it with a big white square over the offending bits – let’s see if they cancel that one as well.
Note: They did!
A Pox On Non Supported Scripters
Originally Posted 2014
I’ve been using a gallery script for ages and since WP has been upgrading, the gallery script started to error and the author has pretty much said ‘tough’ – damn glad I didn’t give him money for it the wanker!! Now I gotta work out this new one that seems to like to knacker up the CSS
I was going to buy a T1 but
Originally Posted 2013
I was giving serious thought to buying a Korg T1 (yes I’m insane) and a Korg T3 even to the point of paying bucketloads to have one shipped over from the USA or UK, but BUT after watching the news and seeing the fact the trying to live in Sydney is damn near impossible because of the cost of living here (like people didn’t already know), I sorta thought should I just save me dough and move to the UK and for all you doubters or those that think it’s dearer there I hate to disappoint you but it’s now official, Australia, Sydney in particular is the third most expensive place to live on the planet – so much for the lucky country bwahahaha
You’ll be lucky if you can keep ya job
You’ll be lucky if you can afford to put fuel in ya car
You’ll be lucky if you can afford to feed ya kids
You’ll be lucky if you can afford to paid ya electricity/gas bill
You’ll be lucky if you can afford to go on holidays
You’ll be lucky if you can afford to survive – PERIOD
Ahhh t’is true, Australia truly is the lucky country!!
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie – Oy, Oy phht?
Originally Posted ??? The database says 2004 but that can’t be right surely??
While I sit here listening to Dave Gilmour, I’ve been stewing over this trademark rubbish, and where the hell it came from (the call) in the first place. Now if anyone has ever heard of Max Boyce, you’d know where I’m going with this. I remember seeing him live in Sydney in the late 70’s early 80’s I forget – the LP I have of his here is dated ’78 (live at Maesteg) which starts off with a lead in to ‘Sospan Fach’ which ends with ‘Oggy, Oggy, Oggy – Oy, Oy, Oy’ & – where have you seen that before!! Every sporting match I saw from the late 70’s, early 80’s had Australian crowds shouting ‘Oz-zee’ followed by three hearty claps, this Aussie, Aussie, Aussie thing has only been around for maybe 10 or 15 years.
Now lets do some maths. 2004 minus 10 or 15 equals 1994 and 1989 – oooookay (remembering Max Boyce and his Oggy, Oggy call), this Australian call is still like 10 or 15 years behind Max. For clarity, I’ve emailed the man himself to find out when he started that ‘Oggy, Oggy Oggy – Oy, Oy, Oy’ call, if not for history sake then just for mine. It\’s like when you hear announcers announcing (yes they do that *grin*) a band as English when they actually come from Wales – take Badfinger for a start, or Budgie. It seems like that unless your name is Tom Jones you’re gunna get stiffed. Another way they manage to avoid the countries name is by calling the person British, like say Sir Anthony Hopkins, the great British actor – ummm why not Sir Anthony Hopkins, the great WELSH actor. If he was English, they’d call him English – def not British. Credit where credit is due yeh! Some other famous Welsh People for you to consider: Dylan Thomas, Roger Glover (Deep Purple) born on a farm in the Brecons (so I heard), Badfinger, Budgie, Man, Catatonia, Richard Burton nahh bugger it, I could go on for hours…