Still Haven’t Got Me Leg Done

Originally Posted 21/11/07
This is turning into a bleedin’ great saga – me backs still killin me and now I got a friggin ‘eadache – I tells ya what, old age sux’, OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. . .
That’s the easiest way to put it. From something that wasn’t that big on me thigh, it now starts about inch, maybe an inch n arf below me hip and goes down to about the same distance from me knee and wraps around me leg – talk about a cover up 🙂 It was s’posed to be a koi but coz of the large Kanji I ended up having to use the logo for Cardiff City Football Club – just took it outta the shield – ehh you’ll see it soon enuff. I ended up pikin out and not finishin it, about all I can remember from when it was bein done was “fuck me, yagafuck, for fuck sake” I think you get the picture. Anyway, it’ll get finished at the end of next week, it’ll be healed enough by then and I’ll post the before and after shots.
While I\’m waitin for that to heal, I’m gunna get the memorial tattoo for my tad-cu on my right calf tomorrow – he was in the Merchant Navy, died in 1939 so I never got to meet him. It’s a modified traditional design, the same basic design is going on my left calf as a memorial for my other tad-cu who passed away in 1952, someone else I didn’t get to meet. He was in the Machine Gun Corp during WW1 and the Pioneer Corps in WW2 so the ship from the one that’s going on me right calf is being replaced with the Corps badge and the young lady has lost her naval hat in favour of a beret – oh what fun 🙂