Pardon Me While I Kick Something

Originally Posted 17/10/06
Well I can’t kick the Compaq monitor, that went in the bin when it stopped working – I can however kick the Mitsubishi 93SB 19″ but it’s pointless coz it goes back for warranty repairs tomorrow – so at the mo I’m using an LG 17″ scary thing that goes ZAP every now n again but hey it keeps me on me toes.
What else do I wanna kick? Oh the seller of one Powerbook G3 laptop here are the specs. Powerbook G3 333 (Lombard) 128 Meg ram 15″ screen DVD-ROM. What do I get when it turns up from the eBay seller? Powerbook G3 400 (Lombard) 192 Meg ram 14″ screen CD-ROM & a partially dead keyboard and this boofhead has got a rating in the 1,000’s be buggered if I know how seein as it took a week to get here when it should’ve taken 3 days tops and he’s as fast at answering emails as I am at running the mile and trust me if ya saw me run you’d know what I meant.
Anyway I’m off to make coffee before I DO actually kick summut.