David’s Triumph!

Originally Posted 2011

A young lad said to his father one day, “dad everyone say’s their bike is the best etc, but yours is the only one in the bible.”
His father replied. “How so mate?”
The young lad replied, “it says in the bible that David’s Triumph could be heard through out the land.”

Hmm Wearing Glasses helps. . 

Originally Posted 17/1/08
Just a quick note as a carry on from the previous post, if I put my glasses on it’s amazing how much clearer the screen is 😛
Now, if you were a Catholic and you approached me for a discussion I would talk to you. If you were a Muslim and approached me for a discussion I would talk to you, the same can be said for Jews, Hindu’s etc just don’t come near me with your Scientology shite – coz in short you will get more than you bargained for.
Yes, I am a Christian and with that I accept everyone’s right to worship who they wish – what I can’t handle are these Scientologists and their ranting and raving, bowing or saluting pictures of L.R. Hubbard as if he is the be all and end all – the one messiah.
To me, Jesus saved me and that’s all there is to it. If you want to believe in someone else, feel free just don’t try and bullshit to me with your Scientology shite!!!