Rugby Supporters

Originally Posted 2012

A family of England rugby supporters head out shopping in Richmond, one Saturday before Christmas. While in a sport shop, the son picks up a Welsh rugby shirt and says to his sister, “I’ve decided I’m going to be a Welsh supporter and I’d like this shirt for my Christmas present!” The sister is outraged at this; promptly whacks him round the head and says, “Go talk to mum.” Off goes the little lad, with Welsh shirt in hand and finds his mother. “Mum,” “Yes, son?” “I’ve decided I’m going to be a Welsh supporter and I’d like this shirt for my Christmas present.” The mother is outraged at this; promptly whacks him round the head and says, “Go talk to your father.” Off he goes with the Welsh shirt in hand and finds his father. “Dad,” “Yes, son? “I’ve given this a lot of thought; I’ve watched the style of rugby they play and I’ve decided I’m going to be a Welsh rugby supporter and I would like this Welsh shirt for my Christmas present. The father is outraged at this; promptly whacks his son round the head and says: “No son of mine is ever going to be seen in THAT!” About half an hour later, they are all back in the car heading home. The father turns to the son and says: “Son, I hope you’ve learned an important lesson today?” The son turns to his father and says: “Yes, Father, I have.” Father says: “Good son, and what is it? The son replies: “I’ve only been a Welsh supporter for an hour and I already hate you English bastards!”

I’d Happen

Originally Posted 2011

A rugby referee died and went to heaven. Stopped by St Peter at the gates he was told that only brave people who had performed heroic deeds and had the courage of their convictions could enter. If he could describe a situation in his life where he had shown these characteristics, he would be allowed in.
“Well,” said the ref, “I was controlling a game between Wales and England in Cardiff, Wales were two points ahead with a minute to go. Ben Cohen made a break, passed inside to Martin Johnson. Johnson was driven on by his forwards, before he passed out to Lawrence Dallaglio who went over in the corner. But Dallaglio dropped the ball before he could ground it. As England were clearly the better side all game, I ruled that he had got it down and awarded the try.”
“Ok, that was fairly brave of you, but I will have to check it in the book,” said Peter, before disappearing to look it up. When he came back he said: “Sorry, there’s no record of this. Can you help me to trace it? When did all this happen?” The ref looked at his watch and replied: “Forty-five seconds ago

Boredom or Lunacy – It Has To Be One

Originally Posted 9/4/07
I’ve spent of late, more time on the HexBox playing such games as Midtown Madness 3 or Co-Op Chaos Theory with the Grandson (Dylan) than I have done in the last twelve months. On top of that I’ve also been on a spending spree 😉 that is, I bought Rugby Challenge 2006, what a giggle that game is. I’ve also bought an external 2.5″ drive case and a 20 Gig drive for the laptop, a 2Gig iPod type thingy and something else that escapes me 😛 Anyhoo, Rugby Challenge is a hoot – (wait I’ve just remembered, I also bought XP Home for the lappy so it’s legit) where was I oh yeh Rugger Challenge. It’s not often I’ll sit and play a sport based game, usually it’s more a Chaos Theory or Rainbow Six but I like this game, in fact I might go play it some more 🙂

A Good Score on Two Counts!

Originally Posted 11/11/06
First off, Wales givin’ Canada a floggin’ in the rugby. I do have to pay the canucks though, we did do ’em 61 – 3 the last time we played em (in Canada), although this time however they managed to sneek two try’s in to make the score more respectable 61 – 26 at the Mil’ Stadium (LONG LIVE THE ARMS PARK). The second good score was a printer.
Now I can see y’all goin like ‘huh?’ I scored a 24 pin dot matrix Panasonic – what a time saver for knockin’ up tattoo stencils, no more cramps and goin square eyed, just find the line art on the PC and print it – poific stencil, and while it’s printing I’m making sure the machine is runnin’ smooth. \’ve already sorted a few out for me (might as well get some good use out of it) and Daryl’s s’posed to be comin’ back on Thursday for some more work so the time it’ll save is gunna be fab (ooh sixties talk).
Adios all