Buyin’ n Sellin’ n Buyin’

Originally Posted 26/10/08
After much thunkin ‘ I opted to stick with the XVS series after selling the XVS650 and bought a 1999 XVS1100 with 39k on the dashboard – in short SHWEEEEEEEEET 🙂 All up it owes me $4,550, it goes like stink, stops on a two bob bit and sounds like a freight train but maybe that ‘s coz of the Dyna mufflers ;). Now that ‘s a cheap conversion for anyone with one of these – 50 bux for a pair of mufflers, 20 bux for head pipe sleeves and a couple of hours of mucking about to get things perfect – just remember to really tighten up the rear head pipe nice and tight. What I thought was tight wasn’t and when you rode it, it backfired when you changed gear which apart from scaring the crap outta me didn’t do anyone standing on the side of the road any favours either LOL.