I was playing silly buggers with ChatGPT, Luma and Kling yesterday and put Sinultimata, (you can read it here) a short story I wrote years ago (which also gave me the band name) into ChatGPT and told it to create prompts for the image making AI and Chat had a spaz attack saying something about not being overly keen as it may breach their conditions so because it was being taken out of context I proceeded anyway. It did a good enough job, the first I grabbed to run through the AI Image was this ‘A teenage girl, her eyes vacant, kneeling beside her dead friend on a decaying staircase. She gently pulls back the shattered skull to feed on the still-warm brain. The scene is dark and grotesque, capturing the horror and madness of the moment.’  It worked with Kling, Luma refused. It doesn’t show her feasting on brains but I suppose there, is the limitation of a lefty world that’s scared of everything.
The second (a static image) was ‘Samuel gently hugging the last standing girl, Theresa-Anne, whispering softly into her ear. Her face is wet with tears, a look of despair and resignation. Samuel steps back, his eyes distant, as dark, leathery wings begin to unfurl from his back, ready to disappear into the night sky.’  The other prompts were stopped by Kling and Luma – hey ho t’is wot t’is.
Below are the results – it shows I need to play with AI a LOT more 😉 and for context feel free to read the story – essentially it’s the Seven Deadly Sins or my take on it.